Silk Way Airlines

Silk Way Airlines was founded in 2001 in Azerbaijan Republic. The airline operates seven IL-76 aircraft, two stage 4 noise compliant IL-76TD-90 aircraft equipped with PS-90A-76 engines, three AN-12 and one wet leased B747-400F. Ther airline operates cargo charter and scheduled flights around the world with all-cargo IL-76 and AN-12 aircraft. Since January 2008 Silk Way Airlines has operated cargo flights on Baku-Shanghai-Baku routeing twice per week with two wet leased B747-400F.


KabulStreet 15, Lane 4, House 402, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul
+93790 688 888
BakuHeydar Aliyev International Airport, Baku, AZ1044
+994(12) 437 4724
BakuHeydar Aliyev International Airport, Baku Cargo Terminal, Baku, AZ 1044
+994(12) 493 3860/1


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