Cheng Logistics

Last update: 03 Aug 2023

Your Logistics Partner; CHENG Logistics

At CHENG Logistics, our mission is to provide tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs, focusing on time management and quality-driven services.

We take pride in offering a wide range of logistics solutions and the most competitive prices through our extensive agency network. Our services include sea freight transportation, air freight transportation, road and rail transportation, pipeline transportation, river transportation, intermodal transportation, and combined transportation.

With our experienced team, deeply rooted in the maritime industry and trained to meet the highest standards, we guarantee accessibility and a commitment to time management in our services.

Bursa Gemlik
Gürle Business Center, Hamidiye Neighborhood, Istiklal Avenue, Bursa Gemlik, 16650, Turkey
+90 (553) 062 55 49
+90 (553) 062 55 49
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